Saturday, March 28, 2009

Hotel Hangover

I had a nice run of work-related travel, which was definitely more like vacation, starting with Quechua training, then a trip to Lima, and finally a nice stay on the beach to cap it all off. After three weeks of hot showers, sunshine, and speaking English, heading back to site was like jumping into a cold lake- I was totally dreading the return to Quechua, mud, rain, bucket baths, and isolation. And the first days back were tough, especially going home to find all my belongings, including my pillows, covered in mold. But just like jumping into that lake, after the initial shock you realize the water isn't so bad after all. It's nice to be back in my own bed, even if it does smell like flea spray. And as slow as life in the campo can feel, it is never boring. There is no shortage of random craziness to keep life interesting. Like Monday, when the adobe wall of our house fell on my sister. She's OK- just a sprained foot and a broken backpack- but a bed-ridden 3-year-old is actually more irritating than one who can follow you around. I try to be patient with her endless stream of wailing demands, though, since I feel a bit responsible for her injury. After all, I was closest to her when the wall collapsed, and I might have been able to grab her if my self-preservation instinct hadn't kicked in before my maternal one. I was already half-way across the patio before I thought to try to save her. Oops. So much for playing the hero.

At Lake Llanganuco, in Ancash, with Tyler and Shannon

Trying to get started with some real work has also provided plenty of opportunity for me to reflect on how absurd my life is these days, although I am making some progress. I have agreed with the new school director (the third one in three months) to work with the Environmental Ed. teacher, and reluctantly agreed to work with the English teacher as well. I was going to start the very next day, but the teacher didn't show up. I played volleyball and football with all the other teachers instead, in the middle of the school day, while the kids were supposed to be "working independently" (which is as ineffective in Peru as in any other country). But it was fun, and I definitely earned my place on the football team. Volleyball is pending. I need to work on a more consistent serve.

A trip to the municipality to talk to the mayor was also more exciting than expected- not only did Erica and I get a lot of good information, which almost never happens, but we also got surprised by a radio show host who wanted to interview us about the Peace Corps. The mayor didn't ever show up, but it was still an above-average day for being productive. So things are looking pretty good in Tzactza right now, and with a little help from my friend Hershey's (thanks dbrad) I am recovering well from my hotel hangover.

Getting ready for a cold jump into Lake Llanganuco, an Ancash PCV tradition

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Tell me you are kidding. You did not run out of the house and leave the kid behind? :-)

I am assuming that you are talk about world football and not American football. What do the boys think about skills? :-)

Peru plays Brazil tomorrow, it would be fun to be there for the game.
