Carnaval is also a festival that involves lots of drunk men trying to raise a full tree in the plaza using ropes and ladders. Then more drunk men with axes cut it down. Highly entertaining, but watch from a safe distance.
2. Crayons are God's gift to teachers everywhere. I made it through 6 weeks of English classes which included students aged 5 through 15, a smattering of baby brothers and sisters, several regular dogs, and even a chicken on one occasion. And who would have guessed it, but the 15-year-old boys love coloring just as much as the 3-year-old.
3. I am currently living every 7-year-old child's dream: I get to eat french fries for dinner all the time!! Just french fries, sometimes with white rice. Whenever I am wishing I could have just a little something green on my plate, I remind myself that as a kid I would have been in heaven.
4. I always planned to spend my golden birthday somewhere really cool. As a first-grader, I was thinking something more like Hawaii, but if you had told me that my 23rd birthday would involve an adobe hut and a pot of chocolate pudding, I think I would have liked that.
Your observations are a gift, Cal. Muchas gracias. -- Papi
Callie! Sorry I missed your call on Saturday - I was in session with a patient!! We miss you so much. Lea
I love new Callie posts!!!!!
Although hearing (through reading) your voice makes me miss you, I'm super psyched that your Peace Corps experience is allowing you to fulfill your childhood dreams -- french fries for everyone!!!
Love you + miss you, Bear!
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